Friday, March 15, 2013

The Robson Coat: At last a trench for the grown-ups!

Tasia of Sewaholic is bringing out her patterns at breakneck speed right now.  This next pattern, released today and hopefully in the shop within a few days in the shop now, fills a gaping hole in the coat patterns of Backstitch... A trench coat!  Hurrah!

We already have a trench for the kids, with the Oliver+S Secret Agent, but up until now, we didn’t have one for us grown-ups.  Well it’s here and it’s brilliant.  The Sewaholic Robson pattern stays true to the classic design and will mean we can all have this outerwear necessity in whichever colour we fancy. 

I actually don’t have a trench coat and have been painfully aware of this hole in my wardrobe for some time.  Now I will just have to make myself one.

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